Rachel Burton - PR Short Stays

Rachel Burton knows how to 'short stay' your property - and knows how to provide a great short stay experience for you, whether you are local, from interstate, or international.
A keen property investor herself Rachel knows that the key to a great relationship is an open and honest dialogue, with a strong focus on client service. With outstanding communication skills, and a hard-working nature, Rachel delivers a consistently high standard of service, whether you are a property investor or short stayer.
Rachel has a passionate and driven approach which has allowed her to build a strong reputation within the Property Management industry.
For short-stayers, Rachel will find you the best short-stay experience to match your tastes and lifestyle.  
Rachel is a qualified and registered real estate agent with many years of experience in Property Management, as a Co Director/Owner of Penny Riggs Property Management, Rachel is here to care for your property for the long term. Rachel knows how to ensure your property is prepared to maximise the short stay experience for you and your short-stayers, to market, assess and introduce short-stayers who will respect your property, and ensure their experience is a great one.

Rachel Burton - PR Short Stays


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